Genesis Footer Credits Text Filter

This filter was deprecated back in August 2019. Here’s the change log entry :

Deprecation: The genesis_footer_creds_text filter is now deprecated. Developers can point users who want to edit their footer text to the new Genesis footer setting in the Customizer.

If you want to set default footer text for your child theme during theme activation, you should set the footer_text key in your theme’s child-theme-settings.php file.

Code like this will still work :

However, any code using the genesis_footer_creds_text filter will no longer work.

Quick Fix – Code

To make existing code using the genesis_footer_creds_text filter work, simply change the filter from genesis_footer_creds_text to genesis_footer_output and your code should work.

Here’s the code i tested using the latest version of Genesis with the latest version of the Genesis Sample child theme :

You can also write the code like this :

You can also use the hook to modify the value for 1 or more variables.

Apparently, you can also change the footer HTML using the customizer.

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