Modify Genesis Featured Page Widget Title

This code enables you to modify the widget Title when using the Genesis Featured Page widget.

It doesn’t modify the page title output in the featured page widget, only the widget title which you can entry manually in the widget settings.

See the following screenshot :

To modify the entry title for pages displayed using the genesis featured page widget, use this code instead.

The code in this tutorial includes a conditional tag enabling you to modify the widget title on specific pages only.

In this case, only the widget title on the front page is modified and the default title is shown on all other pages.

See the following demo video for clarification :

Demo Video

Shows the Genesis featured Page widget title modified on the front page only and returning the default widget title on all other pages.

Tested using the Genesis Sample child theme by StudioPress however will work in any Genesis child theme. Also tested using the Genesis Featured Page Advanced plugin and the Genesis Featured Page widget native to Genesis.

Based on the following request from a registered user :

I subscribed yesterday as I needed help with putting a carriage return after the 1st word in the title of Genesis Featured Page Advanced widgets on the front page.

Code Installation

There’s only 1 step :

Copy & paste the PHP code from the functions.php file in the download folder to the end of your child themes functions file. You can then modify the widget title in the code. Support for modification of PHP code is included for registered users.

Register or login to access the code in the download folder :

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8 responses to “Modify Genesis Featured Page Widget Title”

  1. Debbie Hastings Avatar
    Debbie Hastings

    sorry code did’n’t go into that it is a span with a class around the title text.

    1. Here’s the final solution you requested for the Genesis Featured Post widget

  2. Debbie Hastings Avatar
    Debbie Hastings

    But what do you do with the code once you have it? How does it modify the actual html?

    1. It only modifies the widget title. You can return any HTML in the modified title. I.E plain text, HTML tags etc.

      If you don’t know how to modify the code to do this, let me know because PHP modification is included in membership.

      1. Debbie Hastings Avatar
        Debbie Hastings

        I assume I put whatever new HTML I want to add here:
        return __(‘Modified Genesis Featured Posts Widget Title’);

        I need to wrap the text within the title with an html snip

        1. Exactly, in between the single quotes ‘Modified Genesis Featured Posts Widget Title’

        2. This is for the featured page widget title right? not the featured page entry title.

          1. Debbie Hastings Avatar
            Debbie Hastings

            Right. But nothing is happening when I change it.

            I want to add a THE TITLE HERE

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