Modify Or Remove Address & Checkout Fields On WooCommerce Checkout Page

This freely accessible download folder contains 2 code snippets which enable you to :

Use the 1st snippet to make the following address fields optional rather than compulsory :

  • country
  • address_1
  • address_2
  • company
  • required
  • state
  • postcode

Use the 2nd snippet to completely remove the following fields :

  • billing_first_name
  • billing_last_name
  • billing_company
  • billing_address_1
  • billing_address_2
  • billing_city
  • billing_postcode
  • billing_country
  • billing_state
  • billing_phone
  • order_comments

Code Installation – From Download Folder #

Add the code to the end of your child themes functions.php file.

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