This download contains a template you select to display your featured image or default.jpg image after the header on single pages and single posts using the Imagely child theme for Genesis. On top of this, the download contains CSS which enables you to flat your entry title over the image like this :
In this case the template loads the content sidebar layout however you can use any layout included in Genesis.
Demo Video
Shows the featured image or default.jpg image displayed full width of any screen width after the header using the Imagely child theme for Genesis.
Installation Steps
# Step 1 – Upload the files named after-header.js, after-header.php & backstretch.js to the Imagely theme folder like this :
# Step 2 – Copy & paste the CSS from the style.css file to the end of the Imagely child themes style sheet and clear caching.
You can then select the After Header Image template from the drop down menu in the Page Attributes box on any Edit Page screen or use the Post Attributes box on any Edit Post screen to load the same template.
Single Post Usage
You can also use this template on single posts. To do this, you’ll need to remove the old deprecated functions in the lib > post_templates.php file which conflict with the new WordPress core functions enabling single post templates.
To enable single post templates in Imagely themes, comment out or remove the line of PHP code which loads the file in functions.php on line 10 as seen in the following image.
You can then add a template header to all page templates you want available for use in single posts.
Default Image
Upload an image named default.jpg to the Imagely themes images folder which is shown when no featured image is added.
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