Responsive Custom Text Over Featured Image After Header

This code extends the code in this tutorial which enables you to add a responsive featured image after the header in Genesis child themes.

How It Works #

  1. If no image added, a fallback image named fallback.jpg is pulled from your child themes images folder.
  2. If no custom title added, the post title is displayed.
  3. If no custom text added, a word limit from the 1st paragraph of your entry content is used.
  4. Coded to add a responsive title & text over the featured image on each single post/page.
  5. Coded to work with ACF or WordPress custom fields
  6. Works on single posts and single pages
  7. Position content over image

Tested using the Genesis Sample child theme by StudioPress.

Shows a responsive title and text floated over the featured image on single posts.

Code Installation #

There’s 3 steps relating to usage of the files in the download folder :

Step 1 : Copy the PHP code from the functions.php file to the end of your child themes functions file.

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