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How To Add Introductory Content To Your Category Archives

Some of the best SEO’s in the world like Yoast recommend you index your category pages.

There’s a few things you can do to rank these pages higher in the search results.

Simply add introductory content to the top of these pages so your readers know what the page is about.

You can add this content to your:

  • Author Archives
  • Tag Archives (generally not indexed by the search engines)
  • Category Archives
  • Custom Post Type Archives

In this post, i’ll show you how to add HTML to your category archives which will create a better user experience for your sites visitors and should also increase your search rankings.

Rich Text Tags, Categories, and Taxonomies

Install this plugin if you want to add the WordPress editor so you can edit your introductory category content and add HTML etc.

Edit Category Using Rich Text Tags, Categories, and Taxonomies Plugin

Posts Filed Under The WordPress SEO Category

You can see i’ve changed the title from WordPress SEO to Posts Filed Under The WordPress SEO Category.

That’s probably not a good idea so i changed it back so its exactly the same as the slug.

Category SEO Settings
Click To Enlarge Image

I then changed the SEO title to Posts Filed Under The WordPress SEO Category which will display in the search results along with the unique meta description for this specific archive page.

Posts Filed Under The WordPress SEO Category

I’ve also added a few lines of text so visitors to this page know what they have landed on.

You could easily add a video, banner, unique header or whatever you like but the main idea is to let your readers know exactly where they are.

The content you add here should follow the same principles as when you create titles & meta descriptions.

In short, keep it:

  • Unique
  • Relevant
  • Useful

You’ll find some excellent examples of what others have done to make their archives more user friendly and better optimized for search using the links at the end of this post.

Genesis Users

If your StudioPress child theme doesn’t feature a setting to add introductory content to your archives, add this code to your child theme.

Featured Images

Always create unique featured images for your posts which will be displayed in the post excerpt on your archived pages.

You could also add unique header images for your archive pages as well.

Category Rankings

You’ll find that your category archives will not only be indexed if you allow them to be but also have incoming links and their own page rank.

Adding introductory text will help increase the rankings of your archives in the search results.


Here’s a post related to this subject which you’ll find useful if you use Genesis, Thesis and/or Yoast’s SEO plugin.

Related Tutorials

13 responses to “How To Add Introductory Content To Your Category Archives”

  1. Tobias Hyldeborg Avatar
    Tobias Hyldeborg

    I can’t see the link for the plugin? What is the plugin called?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Just added the link but you probably won’t need it as most good themes already include these fields.

  2. I’m a little confused here too. You said:

    “If your StudioPress child theme doesn’t feature a setting to add introductory content to your archives, add this code to your child theme.”

    But also said:

    “Genesis also include Archive intro text so you won’t need to add Yoast’s code.”

    Where should I be adding my content? My understanding was to the Description of the category, but it’s not working. I’m using the Executive theme and I have Yoast installed as well.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Simply edit the category while you are logged in.

      Genesis child themes already include a category description field.

      1. That’s what I did — I’ve entered the category description, but it doesn’t show up. The Archive Headline and Archive Intro Text show up though. I’m not really sure what the difference is; but in various tutorials, including this one, I’m told the description should show up. In the Yoast tutorial, there’s a screen shot that shows where you can turn on “Display Title/Description” in Genesis settings, but I can’t find that option anywhere.


        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          Thats all you need to do.

          The archive intro text and description are the same.

          No need for both and no need to install Yoast’s plugin.

  3. mariedenee Avatar

    Hi there! I tried adding and I use Yoast and it doesnt work for me… is there any insight here that you may be able to provide??

  4. NIce article. It has been very helpful. Do you know how to use “more” tag on that Archive Pages Introductory Content? Or some other way to “expand” par of it.


    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You could add any type of HTML to your category archives or even a shortcode to toggle content.

  5. Great post! It actually helped to clarify Yoast’s post for me some more. Best of all, your code worked for me and his didn’t and I’m not sure why.

    One thing you should mention, is to put in the functions.php file – for non-programmers this is needed.

    Great job!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Mala

      I had the same problem with Yoast’s code also but couldn’t contact him to let him know. I guess that’s what happens when you get too big and have millions of people using your plugins.

      Yes I wanted to put the same message about where and how to copy and paste code on every page which includes code but was concerned about duplicate content issues.

      Do you think that would be a problem?

      1. Here’s my clarification to your readers:

        “Install this plugin” Brad is referring to WordPress SEO plugin (i was a bit confused here too)

        This part Brad is telling you to add to your function.php file in your Genesis child theme.

        Genesis Users

        If your StudioPress child theme doesn’t feature a setting to add introductory content to your archives, add this code to your child theme.

        Code works and did exactly what I needed it too.


        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          Thanks Mala.

          I think WordPress SEO is a great plugin for people that use themes which don’t include SEO features like Twenty Twelve and other default themes.

          All Genesis child themes include built in SEO settings so an SEO plugin is not really needed unless you want all the extra features.

          Genesis also include Archive intro text so you won’t need to add Yoast’s code.

          Appreciate the feedback. Keep it coming!

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