SEO Tips for Beginner Bloggers Needing to Increase Targeted Traffic

Seo Tips for BloggersI keep getting emails from one client that keeps asking the same questions. Why? Because they aren’t getting enough traffic and therefore aren’t making enough sales. Fair enough.

I try and show them how i get traffic because it works after trying many methods and working out what works and what doesn’t

One of the best sources of new readers is from the search engines because searchers are looking for something at that time.

Subscribers receive an update everyday but generally don’t need the solution you have written about at the time they receive your blog post.

Seo Basics

Learn the basics of Seo and incorporate those Seo techniques into your content

Publish unique content daily

Create useful content that’s vital to the solution

Cover all bases to that solution within the post or link to other posts which do

Learn from the expert bloggers as they are the benchmark you aim to succeed

Website sales copy doesn’t work on blogs

Pre sell using real, authentic stories which solve real problems

Don’t focus on making money or yourself or your brand

The Best Seo Guides for Beginners

Written by Google  – Beginners Guide to Search Engine Optimization

Written by SEOMoz – Beginners Guide to Seo

The most successful bloggers

Darren Rowse – His main blog is photography and his photography blog has over 500,000 subscribers across all networks

Brain Clarke – He started with Copyblogger and now owns Studiopress and a new hosting solution for Studiopress

Chris Pearson – Thesis creator with the most useful theme users guide, great blog tips both on his personal blog & Thesis blog

There’s many more.

Learning the basics of and really understanding the basics of Seo is a major key to success because its focused on giving your readers exactly what they want and need at the time they are looking.

Here’s eight more SEO tips for on page optimization.

How do you perform SEO on your content?

Do you focus more on on page or off page SEO?

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