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Change Position of Genesis In Post SEO Meta Box On Admin Edit Screens

This PHP code enables you to re-position the in post SEO box in Genesis.

Here’s the new position the inpost SEO meta box displays which is after the layout settings box:

position low priority

And here’s the PHP code you can paste in your themes functions file.

Basically this code removes the default action which adds the meta box with a high priority position and then adds it back changing the priority for the add_meta_box functions $priority parameter from high to low.

This tutorial has been written in answer to this forum question:

I have a custom post type and activated in-post SEO support, but I need to lower the meta box within the editor. I noticed in the Genesis code that the SEO meta box priority parameter is set to ‘high’…how can I lower the priority so that the SEO meta box sits at the bottom of the post editor screen?

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