How To Use Links in WordPress

Using links in WordPress is easy. WordPress allows you to place links anywhere on your site including within your content, sidebar and footer areas to name a few. You can link to other content on your own blog or externally to someone  else’s content.

You may want to link to a video or your favorite website/blog and you may also want to create a list of your favorite links in your blog’s sidebar. In this post we’ll discuss how to use links in WordPress including:

    1. Creating a New Link
    2. Adding a New Link
    3. Internal Linking
    4. Add Links To Your Sidebar-Video
    5. Links Widget
    6. Fixing Broken Links

Creating a New Link

Inserting links into your posts and pages is easy. Simply highlight the text you want to link and click the link icon in your editors toolbar to create a new link.


If you want to delete the link for some reason, simply highlight the link and click the broken link icon in your visual editor.


Adding A Link

Once you have highlighted the text you want linked and clicked the link button, you need to enter the URL of the address you want linked to your text.


Internal Linking to Existing Content

You may also choose to link to another post or page using an internal link. You can either enter the URL of the destination address or use the search box in the pop up and click the existing link from there. To find an existing internal link, simply enter a keyword which appears in the post or page title and click the title when you find it.

Insert Internal Link

Adding Links-Video

Watch the Video on how to insert internal links

[flowplayer src=’’ width=640 height=360 splashend=show splash=’’]

Links Widget

If you want to add a list of links either (internal or external) you can use the Links blogroll widget which comes pre installed with WordPress. The Links widget allows you to add unlimited amount of links simply entering the URL’s to any destination. Go To Links > Add New and enter a Name, Web Address (URL) and Description for the links.

Add New LinksOnce you have added the details for the new links, go to Appearance > Widgets and drag the Links widget into your sidebar or footer area. Its here you can choose which link categories to display on your blog.

Links-Blogroll WidgetClick the Links widget and hold down while dragging the widget into your widget area. Once in the widget area choose which links to display on your blog.

Links Widget

Fixing Broken Links

Google webmaster tools offers data on internal linking which will display 404 error not found pages and posts. You can use this to locate and fix broken links or install a broken link checker plugin which emails you and displays all broken links in your WordPress Administration panel.

Read more on how to check for broken links and fix them here.

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