Child Theme For iThemes

iThemes already includes a setting which enables you to generate a new child theme simply by clicking a button. See the following screenshot which shows you the setting:


This built in parent theme functionality enables you to either:

  1. Activate an existing child theme or
  2. Create a new child theme

If you’ve just installed a iThemes parent theme then you’d choose the 2nd option and Create a new child theme.

If you’ve already created a new child theme, you can select it using the 1st option.

The 1st option also allows you to select a child theme you’ve created yourself rather than using the Create a new child theme functionality. The following screenshot shows 2 child themes available for selection.

The 1st is the child theme generated when you select Create a new child theme and the 2nd is a child theme you can create manually and upload to your WordPress installations themes folder.


As you can see, there’s 2 ways to use a child theme with any iThemes parent theme.

Here’s a free child theme download which you can install after uploading any iThemes parent theme.

Download Child Theme for iThemes

Note: You will need to change the Template name in the child themes style.css file to match the directory name of your parent theme.


In the child theme download, you’ll find 2 files. A functions.php file and a style.css file. The style.css file contains the following header:

 Theme Name:   Child Theme
 Theme URI:
 Description:  Child Theme for your iThemes parent theme
 Author:       Your Name
 Author URI:
 Template:     new
 Version:      1.0.0

Make the sure the Template name used is exactly the same as the name of your parent theme folder ( directory ). In this case the parent theme folder is named new so swap that out with the name of your parent theme folder.

All other information in the child themes style.css file header can be changed.

Here’s more on creating child themes for use with any parent theme.

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