Using XAMPP to Install WordPress On Your Local Computer

XAMPP can be installed on both Mac (MAMP) & Windows to enable local development of WordPress on your PC rather than a live internet server.

XAMPP is another version of WAMP which does exactly the same thing and both are open source software.

You can use either program to restore your backup files and host them on your local pc.

Its another solution that automatically sets up, MySql for databases, a local Apache  server, Php and everything you need to install and run WordPress locally.

However, there’s Pro’s & Con’s to both which you can read about at the end of this post.

XAMPP Download Versions

Xampp offers different versions to choose from so you can decide on the version with an installer included or download the zip file. Downloading the Installer Version of Xampp is the easiest and fastest way to get started.

Download xampp for windows

Download XAMPP Version 1.7.7 Here

XAMPP for Windows

Here’s whats included in your download:

  • Apache 2.2.21
  • MySQL 5.5.16
  • PHP 5.3.8
  • phpMyAdmin 3.4.5
  • FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.39

You’ll need all these components to setup WordPress using Xampp. The cpanel you’ll be using is  a XAMPP Control Panel.

Install XAMPP Locally

After downloading Xampp to your local pc its time to start the installation.  Simply click the XAMPP icon to start the installation. You’ll be presented with installation options before you start which will look like this:

XAMPP Installation Options

Better to use the default settings when installing rather than tick the extra boxes like i have

XAMPP Control Panel

Installation may take some time as its a fairly big program. Once completed, you have access to the Xampp control panel which looks like this:


Now start Apache & My Sql if they aren’t already running green. You can then test the server by typing in http://localhost to your browser. If you get a 404 error reboot your machine and make sure you don’t have other servers installed locally.

XAMPP LocalHost

If you get this screen after typing in http://localhost into your browser then you have completed the installion of XAMPP successfully.

Depending on your operating system, you’re now the proud owner of a WAMP (Windows users), MAMP (Mac OS X users) or LAMP (Linux users) server right there inside your computer.

Install WordPress on WAMP

Installing WordPress on Xampp is like installing WordPress manually. Its not difficult but its like taking the really long way home.

Setup  a Database

Navigate to http://locahost/phpmyadmin/ in your browser and create a new database in PhpMyAdmin. If you get a password error, use the test certificate to test your connection then try again. You may need to add an exception using this screen.

Test Connection- Add Exception

Create Database Name: Click the Database tab and enter a name for your database and click create.

Create New Database

Create Database Username: Click the Home icon then Click Privileges and Add New User. Make sure you take note of the Database name, username and password password as you’ll need to enter these later on in the WordPress config.php file

Create New Database User

When creating a new user you can actually create a new database with the same name at the same time

Select Check All Privileges for your user and click Go.

The user you created should have access to the database you created which is why its easier to create the username first and add the database using the option at the same time. Should look something like this if you have been successful.

Database User Access

Installing Locally

Time now to download the latest version of WordPress and install it locally.

You may also find this tutorial on installing WordPress manually helpful. I will go through the entire installation process again below.

Extract the contents of the WordPress zip file you have just downloaded to C:\xampp\htdocs

Extract WordPress
Should look like this

WordPress Directory

Configure My Sql Database details

Now its time to enter the Database details you created previously. You’ll need:

  1. Database Name – haymanpl
  2. Database Username – haymanpl
  3. Database Password – 123456
  4. Database host – localhost

wp-config.php file

Add your database details to the wp-config.php file located in your wordpress folder in this directory C:\xampp\htdocs
The file name needs to be renamed from wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php after you add your DataBase details
Database Config File

Run Installation Script

Type this address into your browser http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php

This will access the installation file in wp-admin if you have setup everything correctly. If not you’ll have to go back and find the problem or repeat the process.

The WordPress Forum is the best place to find help if you get stuck as they have many years of experience with installation.

Success. If you have made it this far and get this screen then you’re a legend! Enter your username, password, email and click Install WordPress and your cooking with gas!!!
WordPress Information

Simply follow the installation instructions and here’s your access details:

  1. Your WordPress Site http://localhost/wordpress/
  2. Your WordPress Login  http://localhost/wordpress/wp-login.php

WordPress Installed

Whats Next?

Grab the Free Guide To Getting Started With WordPress and build a world class website or blog using WordPress. Congratulations!

Another solution for installing WordPress locally is Microsoft Webmatrix which works on windows only but makes it is far easier to install and setup WordPress locally than XAMPP.


Using XAMPP to install WordPress locally takes a lot of time and effort and isn’t recommended for beginners unless you have plenty of time & patience. Using Microsoft Webmatrix is far easier as its all automatic.

The biggest benefits of using XAMPP is that you will get to use PhpMyAdmin in the same form as whats on your live server and learn far more about the server side of things than you will with Webmatrix. Deploying WordPress to a live server is far easier with Webmatrix but you also miss out on learning.

Easiest Way To Install WordPress

Using  the best WordPress web hosts is by the far the quickest and easiest way to install WordPress as they all provide ‘one click installation of WordPress’.

Note: WAMP Server & XAMPP are not the same program but are very similiar in setup and installation. If you get stuck you are welcome to contact me or try the WAMP forum.


4 responses to “Using XAMPP to Install WordPress On Your Local Computer”

  1. Hi Brad, I had wordpress up and running locally on XAMPP. I then deleted XAMPP from my computer due to misconfiguration of Port 80. Now I have the old wordpress folders that kept the site running which is my only backup. I did not intentionally make any backup thus in a .zip format or something. Please what do I do

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You need the database. Can you restore from your Recycle bin?

      1. Thanks for your reply Brad. No there’s nothing like that in my recycle bin

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          Looks like you’ve lost your content. The files are only part of the site and all the content is stored in the database.

          Why would you delete it from the Recycle bin?

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