How To Add A Hand Written Signature To Your Blog Posts

First step is to choose an online program which creates hand written signatures.

Once you create the signature, i’ll show you different methods of adding it to your website.

These methods will allow you to add your signature anywhere on your site.

My Signature

Choose a Signature Maker

Here’s a list of 5 of the best online signature creators

Simply follow the steps to create an image of your signature

Displaying Signature In a Post

The method you use to display your signature really depends on your theme.

Options: You can use:

  1. php code to add your signature
  2. or a hook plugin to do the same thing

Upload your signature image file to your server via your WordPress media library.

Child Theme Functions.php Code

Grab the url to your image and replace the url to your image before pasting the code into your child theme’s functions.php file

If you haven’t created a child theme for customization’s made to your parent theme, i suggest you do. Otherwise your custom functions will be overwritten when you update your parent theme.

Using Hooks To Display Signature

If you’re not using a Studiopress theme, you can use a hook plugin.

Simply insert your image into your WordPress editor and copy the HTML code for pasting into the location you wish to display it using  a hook plugin.


2 responses to “How To Add A Hand Written Signature To Your Blog Posts”

  1. Emily Avatar

    Thank you, this is the info I needed to add a signature!
    Would you happen to know if going the route of adding to functions file how do I get the signature to display above the JJetpack social icons? Right now the Jetpack sharing buttons are the 1st thing after the post followed by the signature. I know the 1 in the code should make the sig take priority but it’s not?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Emily

      There’s no other hook before that one and 1 is the highest priority so you will need to reposition the Jetpack buttons after the signature.

      I just updated the code so try it as the old code was messed up.

      Here’s the code which repositions Jetpack buttons.

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