Paypal Integration With Wishlist Membership Plugin for WordPress

wishlist paypal integrationIf you’ve recently installed the Wishlist membership plugin for WordPress to create a membership site, you’ll need to complete the integration steps with Paypal.

You could install a shopping cart or eCommerce plugin or simply integrate your membership site directly with Paypal.

In this WordPress tutorial, i’ll show you how to integrate the Wishlist membership plugin for WordPress directly with Paypal and create payment buttons so you can collect payment for access to different levels of your membership site.

What You’ll Need Before Getting Started

  1. A Paypal Business Account
  2. Wishlist Membership Plugin

Once you’ve installed the Wishlist plugin, go to WL Plugin in the left hand sidebar of your WordPress admin screen and click the WL Member link.

WL Member » Integration » Shopping Cart

You’ll arrive at your WishList Member Dashboard where you’ll see a tab at the top right hand corner named Integration.

Click Integration to start setting up your shopping cart settings.

Wishlist integrates with 1o shopping cart systems.

In this tutorial, we’ll be integrating Wishlist directly with a Paypal Business account. If you already have a Personal Paypal account, you’ll need to upgrade to a business account.

Step 1. Configure Paypal Settings.

Set the following configurations under "My Account" » "Profile" » "Website Payment Preferences" in your Paypal account:

Set the following configurations under “My Account” » “Profile” » “My selling preferences” » Click Update “Website Preferences”  » “Website Payment Preferences” in your Paypal account:

Website Payment Preferences - PayPal

Complete these 3 requirements and click the Save button to access your Paypal “PDT Identity Token”.

  • Auto Return On.
  • Return URL Must not be blank. You can use any link you want but cannot be blank. Wishlist  recommend using the homepage of your site however i recommend you create a Thank You Page so your customers come back to your website after they pay with PayPal. See the yellow text below for an example of a Thank You Page which is also Paypal requirement.
  • Payment Data Transfer On.

Thank You Page Example: Thank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. You may log into your account at to view details of this transaction.

Step 2. Paste your Paypal “PDT Identity Token” from Paypal.

You may retrieve your Paypal PDT Identity Token by going to “My Account” » “Profile” » “Website Payment Preferences” in your Paypal account.

Enter your PDT Identity Token in the required field under Step 2 of Paypal Integration and click the save button.

Paypal PDT Identity Token

Step 3. Create a Paypal Button

Navigate to the Merchant Services Section in your PayPal Business account.

Here you’ll need to create a button for each membership level using the Item/Subscription ID specified below. If you only have one membership level then simply create a Paypal button for that level using the unique I.D generated by your Wishlist plugin.

Create a Paypal Button for WordPress

There’s 2 different buttons you can create for integration with your membership site:

  1. Create a Paypal Buy Now Button for a one time membership payment
  2. Create a Paypal Subscribe Button for recurring payments

Integrating Paypal directly with the Wishlist membership plugin takes a fair amount of time and effort but not as much as setting up one of the 10 shopping cart solutions Wishlist integrates with.


6 responses to “Paypal Integration With Wishlist Membership Plugin for WordPress”

  1. I have same problem as Roland. I use sandbox to test functionality…
    What happens is that paypal makes payment and redirecting back to website to Thank you page. This page is something like: and paypal adds information about transaction. But this page doesn’t exist if you click on that from setting area. It’s an URL generated by wishlist member plugin in step 4 but this url doesn’t work by default. Where is the catch???
    Thank you in advance!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hard to say but PayPal setup is very basic and i would be best to advise you ask Wishlist as i know the owner gives great support.

      Couldn’t tell exactly what the problem is for localized issues unless i inspected all the code.

  2. Roland Avatar


    I did what you said in this blog, but it only redirects me after the payment on the paypal check to white page with “WishList Member. Click here to view homepage” as the content.

    Is there anything I’m doing wrong?


    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Roland

      Very hard for me to say whats wrong however i would check your settings from this point

  3. I’m creating my second wishlist membership site.

    I can’t use the same ID Token as my first one cause it redirect “payees” to the first site right?

    I need to create a new ID Token?

    If so, how? It’s only letting me “update” the first one. I’m afraid if I do this my first membership site won’t work.

    Hope this makes sense…


    1. Joey.

      I’d contact Wishlist and they should be able to solve this issue for you easily.

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