Custom WC Product Title On Orders for Checkout, PayPal, Credit Card & Email Order Receipts

The code in this download folder adds a custom field to the WooCommerce Product Data meta box on the Single Product edit screen. This field enables you to add a 2nd product title which is only displayed on the checkout, my account > orders, email receipts for PayPal & credit card payments as well as order confirmation emails as seen in the demo video below.

No plugins are required when using this code to hide the real name of the product or service you are purchasing.

The real name for your product still appears on the single product page, shop page and other archive page types in WooCommerce but is changed once you complete the order. The order number stays the same for future reference and tracking.

Payment Gateways Email Notifications

This is how your custom product name will appear on payment gateway emails like PayPal, Stripe credits cards etc for the seller:

And for the buyer :

Demo Video

Shows Product 1 which is the real name of the product title changed to Special Product Title which is displayed at the checkout, under My Account Orders and on email order confirmations.

Tested using WooCommerce, Genesis Sample and custom code from the download folder.


There’s only 2 steps :

1. Copy the PHP code from the functions.php file to the end of your child themes functions file or custom functionality plugin.

2. Upload the woocommerce folder to your child theme folder.

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