WordPress Dashboard Widgets

The WordPress dashboard consists of the Home screen and Updates screen. It may also include Stats for certain plugins which you install to your blog  later. The dashboard consists of eight panels which are referred to as modules or widgets and may increase in number after you install plugins.

Its here you are provided with an overview of some of your WordPress administration options.

The eight modules which are included in a new installation of WordPress located in your Home screen are:

Right Now
Recent Comments
Incoming Links
Recent Drafts
WordPress Blog
Other WordPress News

You’ll also find a tabs for
Screen Options

Under the Updates screen you’ll find links to update your WordPress core installation, Plugins and Themes.

Dashboard Home

Screen Options

Screen Options



Right Now

Dashboard Right Now

Recent Comments

Dashboard-Recent CommentsIncoming Links

Dashboard-Incoming LinksPlugins


Dashboard-QiuckPressRecent Drafts

Dashboard-Recent DraftsWordPress Blog

Dashboard-WordPress BlogOther WordPress News

Dashboard-Other WordPress News


WordPress Core Updates

WordPress Updates

WordPress Updates for Plugins & Themes


Caution: Make sure you backup any custom changes you have made to your WordPress files and Templates before upgrading your WordPress core installation or you may loose them.


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