WordPress Gallery Shortcodes

Gallery Shortcodes for WordPressDid you know every WordPress installation includes a built in gallery?

You’ve probably heard of the next generation gallery (NGG) plugin as its the most popular plugin for adding galleries in WordPress, however, you may not need to use it.

Native WordPress Gallery

I’ve already written about how to add a gallery in your posts & pages using the native WordPress gallery and now its time to discuss the different shortcodes you can use to customize your gallery.

WordPress has already created short codes for the native gallery which you’ll find on their site.

The gallery shortcode is used in a Post or Page to display a thumbnail gallery of images attached to that post.

When you upload images to that particular post, they are added to the gallery for that post and can be displayed in a gallery by inserting the gallery shortcode in your Visual editor.

If you want to use the native WordPress gallery to display more than one gallery in the same post or page, you’ll need to install the Multiple Galleries Plugin or create custom shortcodes using the WordPress gallery shortcodes.

Supported Gallery Shortcode

You can view a list of the supported gallery shortcodes on the WordPress codex.


The jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries plugin, once installed, will display your images in a full size lightbox.

Have Your Say

Have you tried the native WordPress gallery shortcodes in your theme?

What do you think about it compared to other galleries like NGG?

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