How To Setup Google Analytics For WordPress – Beginners Guide

In this guide to setting up & installing Google Analytics in WordPress we’ll cover all steps including:

At the end of this Google Analytics tutorial you will be able to track all your site visitors moves. You’ll also learn & understand:

  • Which site they came from to arrive at your site
  • Which country and state they come from
  • Which browser they use to view your site
  • Where they went when they left your site
  • Which links they clicked on your site
  • How long they stayed on your site
  • Which pages they viewed on your site
  • What keywords they used to find your content
  • What time they viewed your site

The information you receive after installing Google analytics on your WordPress site is the best way to find out whats working for you and whats not.

Here’s more detail on the the benefits of adding analytics to your blog or website.

  • Track Marketing Campaigns – Track email campaigns, banner ads, offline ads and more.
  • Goals – Track sales and conversions on specific pages. Integrate analytics with AdWords and AdSense – AdSense reports show publishers which site content generates the most revenue
  • Ecommerce tracking – Trace transactions to campaigns and keywords and identify your best revenue sources

So what is Google Analytics?

Analytics is a tracking and reporting system made by Google which is free to use on as many websites and blogs as you wish.

Google Analytics shows you how people found your site, how they explored it, and how you can enhance their visitor experience. With this information, you can improve your website return on investment, increase conversions, and make more money on the web. Source: Google

Opening a Google Analytics Account

To start using Google Analytics with WordPress you’ll need an Analytics account.

Don’t have an Analytics account? Sign up now

To sign up for an Analytics account you’ll need to have any type of existing Google account like a G-mail account.

Don’t have a Google Account? Get one today

Create a Google Analytics Account

Next step is to navigate to the Settings tab (Top right hand corner) and click Google Accounts Settings from the drop down. Looks like this:

Google Account Settings Tab

Depending on which screen you are in, you may also use the My Account Tab. Here you’ll find all your Google accounts. Click on Analytics to start setting up your account

Google Accounts-My Products-Analytics

Don’t have an Analytics account? Sign up now

Sign Up for Google Analytics

Next step is to enter the name of your site and the site URL along with a few other settings which are self explanatory.

Google Analytics-Create New Account

After clicking submit you arrive at this page which displays the code which you need to add to your site.

Google Analytics Tracking Code Configuration

Installing Google Analytics in WordPress

What to do with the analytics code? You’ll see the code in the same screen above which looks like this:

Paste Google Analytics Tracking Code On Your Site

To install analytics in WordPress you have 3 choices:

  1. Copy the code, then paste it onto every page you want to track immediately before the closing </head> tag.
  2. Use a Google Analytics Plugin for WordPress and simply add Web Property IDUA-25732360-1
  3. Paste The Google Analytics code into your header or footer scripts meta box in your theme settings depending on which theme you use.

Pasting the code into every page on your site is not recommended when there are easier solutions.

If your theme (most premium themes) provides a special box for tracking codes then simply place the analytics code in there and click save or install one of the following plugins.

Google Analytics Plugins for WordPress

Recommended Google analytics plugins are:

Google Analytics Versus WordPress Stats

Google analytics is NOT the only tracking solution for WordPress.
Another option is stats. You can read more about the comparison here – Google Analytics Versus WordPress Stats

5 responses to “How To Setup Google Analytics For WordPress – Beginners Guide”

  1. […] If you are beginner? You can follow this tutorials to get Google Analytics Code. Click Here […]

  2. […] If you are beginner? You can follow this tutorials to get Google Analytics Code. Click Here […]

  3. […] boxes are generally used for adding scripts like Google Analytics or live chat […]

  4. […] you’ve setup Google Analytics, this is a good place to paste in your tracking […]

  5. […] really like Jetpack stats and also use Google Analytics which is like chalk and […]

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