How To Design & Add MailChimp Form Code To WordPress

Inserting form code into the WordPress editor can be a bit hit and miss. Sometimes it works fine and other times its a mess. We’ve already discussed adding a MailChimp form to WordPress using a plugin but what if you want the form inline (within the content area).

Lets take a look at the different ways to add mailchimp form code within the content area of a post or page.

Lists - MailChimp Forms

Not sure what MailChimp is or if its as good as Aweber? Signup for a FREE Account and see for yourself!

Sign in to Mailchimp and navigate to Lists > Forms  and at the top menu you’ll find For Your Website.

MailChimp Form Code

Click the link to Signup Form Embed Code

Signup Form Link Code

You’ll also see a Signup For Link Code which you can use anywhere on your site to link to your mailchimp form.

Here’s the URL for your signup form:Example

Here you can easily create form embed code for insertion into a WordPress page or post. If you’re using Thesis or a theme on the Woo framework, you can use the ThesisHook plugin or Woo Hook Manager to place the form anywhere there’s a WordPress hook.

Signup Form Embed Code

You have 3 options to choose from:

  1. Super Slim Form
  2. Classic Form
  3. Naked Form
Use the first 2 if you don’t understand CSS & Javascript coding. Personally i like the Super Slim form as its compact and fits into a post easily.
Generate Form Code

Preview Signup Form

Signup Form Preview

Super Slim Form Design Options

When using the super slim form the only design options you have are Width and Title. This makes life easy for beginners.

Form Design Options

Classic Form Design Options

You get more options when using the classic form settings.

Classic Form Design Options

Mailchimp Popup Form

Did you know MailChimp has an option for a popup form?

MailChimp Popup Form

Naked Form

The MailChimp Naked Form Is very similiar to the Classic form but without any CSS or Javascript

Example: MailChimp Naked Form

Super Custom Form

Mailchimp also offers the option of creating a custom form if you want to hire a developer or you understand CSS, Javascript coding.

Embed/Add Form to WordPress

Adding your MailChimp form to a post or page simply requires clicking the Create Embed Code button. You then copy the code and paste it into your HTML editor in the position you want it to display.

Create Form Code to Embed in WordPress


Mailchimp and  Aweber are the best email programs available. In my opinion, MailChimp integrates with more applications and is easier to learn how to use.

You don’t get the training emails everyday like you do when you sign up with Aweber however Mailchimp do offer a free eBook and training videos instead which make it easy to learn.

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2 responses to “How To Design & Add MailChimp Form Code To WordPress”

  1. That’s great stuff Brad, would you mind sharing the CSS for your ‘Never Miss A Post’ form there?

    It’s almost exactly what I want to build but in a different color scheme 🙂

    Thank you!

    1. Thanks Ben. The styling is created using the Genesis eNews extended plugin and the child themes default CSS. If you’re using Genesis, simply install the plugin and drag it into your after post widget area.

      To recreate the same style in another theme would involve a fair but of PHP and CSS coding as its also includes the submit button and connection to Feedburner.

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