How To Setup The Groupon Plugin for WordPress

GrouponGroupon offers an affiliate program for its deals so you can earn up to 15% commission for referring buyers to their daily deals. You’ll need a Groupon account and affiliate account with CJ to use this plugin.

Note: This plugin is NOT to be confused with the Group Deals Plugin which enables you to create your own entire website like Groupon for your own Group deals.

The Groupon plugin allows WordPress bloggers to easily post Groupon deals with:

  • Groupon-authored text and images
  • Commission Junction integration
  • User-configurable default locations (known as ‘divisions’)

Once you install the Groupon plugin, you can easily configure the settings with your own:

  • Unique Groupon API key
  • Commission Junction Publisher I.D key (PID)

After setup of the Groupon plugin is completed, you will see a Groupon icon above the WordPress post editor. Simply click this button to choose which deals you wish to post on your blog.

Setup Groupon Plugin

Activate the plugin and navigate to Settings > Groupon for WordPress. Click the link to enter the Groupon for WordPress Settings page.

Grab the API Key – First step is to click the API Key link which takes you to the Groupon website.

Groupon for WordPress Settings - API Key Link

After you click the API key link, you’ll arrive at the Groupon API page of the Groupon website. Here you’ll need to sign up for an account if you don’t already have on.

Groupon API

Once you have signed up for a Groupon account, you’ll need to verify your email address to activate your account by clicking the email activation link they’ll send to you.

Verify email address to activate Groupon account

Groupon API – Paste the Groupon API key in this box

Paste Groupon API Key Here

Commission Junction PID – You’ll need to sign up with Commission Junction (CJ) if you haven’t already to get a Publisher I.D (PID)

CJ Link

Click the Sign Up Here link to go to Commission Junction. Once your CJ account has been approved, you can login to CJ, click the Web Site Settings tab to find your PID – Publisher ID.

CJ - Web Site Settings

Once you have the PID, check Enable Commission Junction and paste your PID into this box.


Click the Update Options button and you have finished configuring your Groupon plugin settings.

Now you can use the WordPress editor to add the latest Groupon deals directly into your blog posts.

You find a Groupon button has been added to your editor which looks like this:

Groupon Button

When you click the Groupon button, you get a popup like this which offers the latest deals which you can customize by location before you insert them into your post content.

Groupon for WordPress

The Customize tab on this popup allows you to choose a size for the Groupon image as well as enter an optional tracking (SID) code for Commission Junction.

Customize & SID for CJ

Click the Insert button and Preview your new post content before clicking the Publish button.

Insert Deal

Groupon also offer widget code which can be customized for your site. It produces Geo targeted dynamic content in your WordPress widget area.

Conclusion: I think as long as you add plenty of unique, relevant content, this program could work well for you. Its not the only option as there are several Groupon plugins in Beta at the moment and one that i know of which is already being used to create Groupon like sites.

(I am testing this Group Deals plugin at the moment and will write a review soon).

Another idea would be to use the Google Adwords Keyword Tool to check for keywords related to the daily deals in the exact Geo location the deals are offered in and add fresh, unique content based on those specific keywords to individual posts you create for each deal. Not a bad way to write heaps of new content and make money online as you already have the subject and high quality images to build your content around.

What do you think?

Could this work?

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One response to “How To Setup The Groupon Plugin for WordPress”

  1. Dear Mates,

    I get here Groupon API and click the green button ‘Get My API Key’.

    Then it leads me to a new page to say ‘Get Your API Key (client_id) In order to receive API access, please apply for the Groupon Partnership network at

    Then I go to
    Then login my Groupon Partner Network account.
    But I cannot figure where I can get Groupon API Key. Do I need to create one by myself.
    What the Groupon API key looks like? I cannot find one example in google.
    I am confused and lost,
    Please help me,


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