How To Install a Custom Page Template

Install Page TemplateCustomizing WordPress using page templates is an easy way to create your own unique site. I’ve already written about how to use page templates on posts as well as the reasons why page templates offer an easy solution when customizing WordPress sites.

In this tutorial, you learn how to install a page template from another theme which you wish to use on your existing theme.

Once you have found the page template you want to integrate with your existing theme, all you need to do is upload it into your themes directory.

You can either upload your new page template using FTP or cPanel. I’ll be using cPanel for this exercise.

Login to cPanel and go to public_html > content > themes

If you are using a child theme to store all your customization, you should upload the page template to your child theme.

Once the page template has been uploaded, you’ll see it in the drop down menu when you edit or add a new page. To use it all you have to do is select it from the drop down menu.

You can use a new custom page template on existing pages or new pages. Its the easiest way to customize any page of your WordPress site including your home page.

I’ll be writing more about how to customize your WordPress site using page templates soon.

3 responses to “How To Install a Custom Page Template”

  1. […] How To Install a Custom Page Template […]

  2. Hello Brad,

    I followed your video you created for uploading wrdprss via ftp, and it finally worked for me after trying for many hours in past week- so thank you!
    now i installed the theme in wpadmin area- great- But- the same issue- it wont show on my actual domain ex: still shows the default twenty11, and its frustrating, the new theme only shows in wordpress site.

    I’ve tried numerous times to upload the downloaded theme to themes folder in cpanel, but something isnt right.

    plse help.

    Liz in Chicago area

    1. Hi Liz

      Most recommended web hosts offer a one click self installation of WordPress so you don’t need to upload it manually

      The same goes for themes.

      Simply upload your theme from the WordPress dashboard under the Appearance tab click themes and Install Theme

      These videos are the best for beginners and will save you time and frustration

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