How To Display An Image Slider In Different WordPress Header Area’s

This tutorial relates to displaying a image slider in the header area of different WordPress themes.

Tools Used:

Area’s we’ll display the slider include:

  • Before your header
  • In your header (yeah!)
  • After your header

Once you install the plugin, go to the slider settings and:

  • Set the width and height
  • Customize the border width & color
  • Customize the padding width & color

Create and upload your images according to these settings.

Add image file link and click thru url’s.

Display Options

You can use a shortcode or the php script

1. Shortcode in posts/pages:


2. Php function in template files (such as header.php, index.php, home.php, etc.):

<?php if ( function_exists( "easingsliderlite" ) ) { easingsliderlite(); } ?>

3. Custom code in your child themes functions.php file which includes a theme specific hook location and conditional tag.

Execute PhP In Your Theme

You can write a custom function and hook it in using one of your theme’s action hooks.

Or you can install a hook plugin and simply add the php code above to the hook field. Like this:

Genesis - Simple Hooks

Example Of Slider After Header

Here’s an example of what the slider looks like using the code above to display the slider after the header.

I reduced the height of the header area to zero before adding this code.

Here’s what it looks like using the Lifestyle theme on top of Genesis without the shadow arc effect.

Display An Image Slider In Different Header Area's - Example 2

This example shows the slider displayed using the same hook with the Genesis theme framework without a child theme and with the shadow arc effect turned on.

Display An Image Slider In Different Header Area's - Example 3

Your slider will blend in perfectly with your background so you won’t even notice its a slider. You can also change the appearance of slider so it

Displaying Slider In Header

You will have to change the size of your header area in both your themes functions and style.css files.

You can easily change the size of your header area if you are using a Genesis child theme from StudioPress.

Insert the php code in the hooks header field.

Display Image Slider Header

This is what your slider will look like if you follow this method.

Its will include the nav menu in the bottom part of the header on the homepage and even more so on your single posts and pages. You might like to keep it that way depending on your images or you may want to change it by adjusting the CSS.

Display Image Slider In WordPress Header

Here’s what it looks like if you

Unhook Genesis Do Header Hook

The header is replaced entirely with the slider and the navigation menu displays below the slider which you can remove easily or move to above the slider.

Note the shadow Arc effect which you can turn on and off.

Unhook genesis do header function from this hook

Here’s what the slider looks like with the shadow Arc turned off.

Image Slider In Header Without Shadow Arc

Display Slider Before Header

Lets finally take a look at how to display the slider before the header area.

Paste the slider code into the genesis_before_header Hook field.

Display Slider Before Header

I’ve also reduced the header height to zero in the Genesis theme’s style.css file.

Line 189 folks!!

#header {
margin: 0 auto;
min-height: 0px;
width: 100%;

Slider Before Header With Shadow Arc

Display Image Slider Before Header With Shadow

Slider Before Header Without Shadow Arc

Display Image Slider Before Header-No Shadow Arc

Adding Sliders in Other Themes

If your themes uses hooks, then you’re in luck as its the easiest way to execute php code in WordPress.

Image Slider In Twenty Eleven Theme

Paste the php code for the slider into the header.php around line 77

Comment the header image out as shown in the screenshot below.

Add Slider Code To Header PHP 2011

Here’s what the slider looks like in Twenty Eleven

Twenty Eleven Theme Header Slider

Adding Slider in Twenty Twelve Theme

Add the slider code to the header.php file around line 41

Twenty Twelve Header Slider

Looks even better once you enable the shadow Arc effect.

What do you think?

Twenty Twelve Theme Header Slider

Slider Header Image Gallery

Compare which slider display option is right for your theme’s header area.

Video – Watch & Learn

Display Video’s & Text In Slide Show

Here’s a post i wrote earlier about how to create slide shows using a WordPress plugin.

You can also use this plugin to pull content from YouTube and other social media networks into your slide shows dynamically.

Related Tutorials

28 responses to “How To Display An Image Slider In Different WordPress Header Area’s”

  1. hello all

    run wp version 4
    with responsivepro theme and responsive-pro child theme
    want to add meta-slider into the header

    as i am new to wp i wonder how to do this

    can some one assist here

    love to hear from you

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Happy to help Martin

      Please sign up for monthly membership

  2. Candace Avatar

    Hi Brad, great tutorial. I want to add the easing slider to the header. I’m working through the instructions and am trying to paste the code in the my child theme’s header.php. Problem is that I am using the Twenty Fourteen theme and am not sure exactly where to past the code. Can you give me some specific guidance and/or line number where to paste the code?

    Thanks so much!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Copy the header.php file to a child theme and paste the code where you want to display the slider in the file.



  3. Stephen J. Carter Avatar
    Stephen J. Carter

    Sorry, there’s no sound on this video. Other videos play fine. So, maybe just as well, as I would get hyper-frustrated trying to work with this. Seriously. I recently learned how to format a kindle book, using quite a bit of CSS code. I feel like that’s a huge achievement! LOL. And I’m looking into doing my own audiobook recording. But frankly, this looks totally intimidating. After my experience with the Frisco theme, I wouldn’t readily try to work with a slider, not until the process is simplified considerably. I’ve just scrolled down through this silent page and it’s fairly overwhelming. My hat off to those who can do this sort of stuff. I now have Wultim theme for my webpage, and it’s fine, with mailchimp forms for signups. For now, it’s sort of a static site, no slider or other dynamic elements. Maybe someday I’ll do this sort of stuff on my site …

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Its a walk in the park really.

      Only need to add one line of code in your header.

  4. I have a problem with easing slider, make slideshows, and put the code in the header.php, appears slider, but I have no control over it, I can not move him where suits me, for example in the middle, and nowhere does his css code that could change, thank you for your response in advance … best regards

  5. Thank you, thank you! From your detailed information, I was able to figure out how to install the slideshow in my header for the Tiny Forge theme!

    Blessings on you!

  6. Hi Brad Dalton,
    This is wasim from India. you have given very excellent tips about image slider plugin but just i want to little bit that we can use the slder plugin only twenty eleven theme…..i want to design my own theme how it is possible …………would you explain me clearly.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You would need to add all the code from the slider plugin to the theme files. Not really recommended.

  7. Svitlana Avatar

    Hello Brad,
    Thank you for great tutorial!
    I have a theme Twenty Twelve and I found
    excellent explanation HOW and WHERE insert php code for slider.
    Thanks again,


    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You’re welcome Svitlana

  8. hey brad…i have a question…i was able to do this…your video was awesome. anyways…i was able to enable the new sliding feature but there is a black circle image on the top left corner of all my slider images. how can i take that out? what is that?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      I couldn’t find any black circle on any images.

      Looks like you fixed it Drew.

      Thanks for the comment.

      1. brad…i see it in chrome but i don’t see it in firefox. what browser are you viewing it from?

      2. i see it in chrome…but not in FF

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          Must be a browser issue.

          You might want to try using to validate your markup.

          Otherwise, Firebug or Chrome Dev tools may help.

  9. I did one of your tutorials on how to transfer my localhost website to a live web host and I really messed up my wordpress site please help!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      I would install WordPress again and use the export tool to move the content over. You can then upload all your files and change the DB connection details in your wp-config.php file.

      I do offer a free migration service which includes restoration of file as long as you use my link when buying hosting.

  10. Hi Brad,
    appreaciation from my side for your tutorials…
    But i get a problem with the theme Raindrops and Easing Slider “Lite” … it doesn’t work at all !!!

    i put the code wherever in the header.php but nothing showed…
    Please, give me 5 minutes of your time…

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Did you also install the plugin and add images?

      Double check that you have used the correct code because some code is for the header.php and some for custom functions when using Genesis themes.

  11. Hi Brad

    I’ve looked at your blog and video but can’t see how it relates to the theme that I use – Minimal. I’m wanting to replace the header with the slider but can’t figure out how to do it. As I’m not using Genesis, what free plug ins should I use?


    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Peter.

      Use Easing Slider or Soliloquy. You’ll find that link leads to a tutorial on how to do it and contains a link at the end of the post on how to add Easing slider to the header of any theme.

      I’ve also created a video on how to do it.

  12. santosh ban Avatar
    santosh ban

    awesome.. thanx bro…

    1. Happy to help Santosh!

  13. Thanks for great tutorial… made my life easier with my site’s header…. Cheeers mate….

  14. where to I put the code for the slider for my Theme which is “Raindrops”

    1. Hi Raymond. In the header.php file

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