Live Blog Plugin By WordPress

Live blog plugin enables groups of people to post short messages all on the same blog post.

A bit like a cross between Twitter and the P2 theme for WordPress.

Automattic have developed the plugin so you can chat live with your audience without the need to refresh your browser.

Users of live blog will need to be logged in to be able to post live updates which is a great way to control spam. Just make sure you control it when enabling members to register with different user roles.

How Does It Work

You simply install the plugin and check the box at the end of a new post then publish the new post.

All the new content you and your readers add, gets published instantly to the one post. No need to keep publishing posts.

  • No need to refresh the browser
  • Good for covering live sporting events, elections and stock market listings etc.
  • Drag and drop images into the update box
  • Anyone can view your live updates on the one post

2 responses to “Live Blog Plugin By WordPress”

  1. What a great idea! I will definitely download it and “play” with it.

    I really could have used that when doing election updates the other night, or a few weeks back when coastal Alaska was under a Tsunami Watch from the big Canadian earthquake.

    I can see live blogging meetings with attachments and downloads set up ahead of time to explain the importance of issues and for publishing background info along with the live blogging.

    Thanks, Brad! I get lots of good ideas from you.

    Maggie Wall
    Producer, The LegHead Report (radio show about Alaska Legislature and State Issues)

    1. No worries Maggie.

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