3 Ways To Remove Post Meta & Post Info Links

If you’re a minimalist type of designer, you may want to remove the default post meta and post info links which are displayed before and after your content on single posts and archive pages.

With the Genesis theme framework, this is easily done.

If you’re not use Genesis, i have a solution for you as well at the end of the post.

Firstly, lets take a quick look at exactly what i mean by post meta and post info.

Post Info

You’ll find this post info just above all post titles:

Post Info

You can easily remove this data which normally displays the date, author and link to comment.

Post Meta

After your posts, you’ll find the Post Meta data.

Post Meta

You can also easily remove the post meta data like the category the post is filed under and the tag the post has been grouped with.

There’s 3 ways you can remove and customize the post meta and post info data that is displayed by default before and after your content on single posts:

  1. Using the Genesis Simple Edits Plugin
  2. Using the Genesis Simple Hooks Plugin
  3. Using PHP or CSS code

Simple Edits

This plugin enables you to add and remove shortcodes which display links you want to keep or remove from your posts.

Genesis Simple Edits

Simply remove or add the tags which create each specific link from this screen.

Simple Hooks

Once you install this plugin, you’ll find a list of hooks with boxes underneath each hook and the location they hook into.

Scroll down to the Post/Page hooks and look for these 2 hooks:

genesis_before_post_content - Unhook genesis_post_info() function from this hook?

This hook executes immediately before the genesis_post_content hook for each post/page

genesis_after_post_content Hook - Unhook genesis_post_meta() function from this hook?

This hook executes immediately after the genesis_post_content hook for each post/page

All you need to do is check the boxes to unhook the post meta and post info links which are displayed by default before and after your post content.

Using CSS To Remove Meta Data

Because there’s thousands of themes now, its impossible to list solutions for all of them.

However, non Genesis users can use CSS code to easily hide post meta entry data and other info links.

In Twenty Twelve, the post meta is actually named entry-meta and can be hidden by adding this code to your child themes style.css file

.entry-meta {
display:none !important;

If you’re not using Twenty Twelve, i suggest you use a free tool like Firebug to find out the class your theme uses for post meta and replace the selector using the CSS above.

Removes all the post info & post meta from the home page.

.home .entry-meta { 
display: none; 

Using PHP Code

Please copy ALL the code from the view raw link and paste it at the end of your child themes functions.php file using a text editor like Notepad++

Remove Post Meta From (home) Posts Page

Remove Post Info From (home) Posts Page

Remove All Post Info – HTML 5

This code can be added to your functions file to remove all the post info from your entire site or added to a template file to remove only on pages/posts using the template.

Remove All Post Meta – HTML 5

This code can be added to your functions file to remove all the post meta from your entire site or added to a template file to remove only on pages/posts using the template.


There are also plugins (Thanks SheriG) which remove this type of data from your database.

Some of them remove all the post meta data from your database permanently which can be a problem if you ever change your mind and don’t have a full DB backup.

Better to remove/hide the display of the links and other info rather than remove all from your DB entirely i think.

Here’s a post specifically about how to remove post meta on different pages.

More Sophisticated Solutions

16 responses to “3 Ways To Remove Post Meta & Post Info Links”

  1. The Simple Hooks looks ideal, but I cannot find those before post and after post hooks. Are they still used in Altitude Pro theme?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      They’re in all of the old XHTML child themes. Here’s the new ones for HTML 5 themes http://wpsites.net/genesis-hooks/

  2. Nice Work and applied i got answer.

  3. Cane Jason Avatar

    Can you please check my site. Actually i’m unable to remove 16 Sep 2011
    Comments Off
    Tweet this
    by admin

    from my site. It displays on every page. Please help me.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You have several options.

      You can use:

      • The Genesis Simple Edits plugin
      • CSS to display: none
      • Or PHP to modify the default output of the post info using a filter

      Please try these solutions http://wpsites.net/web-design/modify-post-info-genesis/

      1. cane jason Avatar

        Hello Brad,

        Thank you so much. I used CSS to display: none and now everything is ok. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Hi!
    How can I remove it from category pages only (using Genesis)?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hello Andrea

      Use the is_category() conditonal tag after the function name in the code.

      1. Thank you so much!

  5. I would like to remove both post info and post meta from my entire site maybe !
    Will it affect schema markup about author bios and published dates if post info and post meta are unhooked ?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hello Amit

      That would be very easy to test however there’s an easier solution.

      Use CSS to hide your entry meta ( post info and post meta )

      .entry-meta {
      display: none;

      This way it remains in the source code.

  6. Very precise and useful. How about if we remove the author and comment and keep the date on home page?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You can do that using PHP or CSS code. Example:
      .home .post-info {
      display: none;

      Use Firebug to find the classes for the post info you want to hide.

  7. Thank you for the information, it was very useful ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. For those of us not using Genesis, there are a couple of useful plugins that can help. The first is WP Date Remover, which successfully removes the date from most themes:

    Another one is No Page Comments, which lets you remove comments from pages, posts, etc.

    Finally, to remove the Meta Data from posts, you can try Post Meta Manager:


    Hope that helps someone!


    1. Thanks very much for the tips Sheri. Sorry you can’t use bitly links in the comments because Bitly can be a problem i have already written about.

      I have tested the post meta manager plugin and know Andrew Norcross who is an excellent WordPress Developer.


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