Monochrome Pro – Archive Templates For After Header Hero Image

The templates in this download enable you to add a unique image after the header in the same style as the featured image is displayed on single posts by default.

You can use the templates on any archive page types including custom posts types, category, tag, author and search pages. Excluding the blog page template, all other archive page templates require the use of the ACF plugin ( free or premium version ) to add the image as seen in the following demo video.

Demo Video #

Shows a full width after header hero image added to all archive page types in Monochrome Pro.

Code Installation #

There’s 3 steps :

Step 1 – Create a new ACF field using the following settings or Install ACF and import the .json file from the download folder.

Step 2 – Upload the template files named archive.php and page_blog.php to the Monochrome Pro themes root directory.

Update : New versions of Monochrome Pro don’t include the jQuery files needed for this solution. They have now been added to the download. Please upload the 2 .js files to your Monochrome Pro themes js folder, OR, use the new tutorial which includes a hand coded upload field and doesn’t require ACF.

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One response to “Monochrome Pro – Archive Templates For After Header Hero Image”

  1. Marcus Tibesar Avatar
    Marcus Tibesar

    This is great Brad!

    By installing these 3 tutorials you have added a consistent, eye-popping look throughout our Monochrome Pro themed websites. Consistency really matters to site visitors and our customers so we thank you very much!

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