How To Setup Gravity Forms Paypal Addon & Accept eCommerce Payments

Searching for the best eCommerce plugin for WordPress? I’ve tried many and there always seems to be problems as most eCommerce plugins don’t work properly with most themes.

Gravity forms is well known by WordPress developers as the best forms plugin as well as one of the best premium plugins ever made.

Well, its only getting better and also offers Paypal integration which means you can use Gravity forms, not only for eCommerce but also for a membership site and it even integrates with Aweber or Mailchimp if you own the business license addons.

PayPal Addon Plugin

Order forms are easy with the PayPal Add-On for Gravity Forms. Enable your users to pay you via PayPal as part of the submission process.

Integrates Gravity Forms with PayPal, enabling end users to purchase goods and services using your custom made Forms.

  • Seamless Integration – Automatically transfer the user to complete the PayPal transaction when a form is submitted.
  • Product and Services – Setup and sell simple products or services in just minutes with one time PayPal payments.
  • Donations – Accept PayPal donations with the donation field.
  • Recurring Payments – Setup and configure PayPal recurring payments and subscriptions.
  • WordPress Posts – Configure your payment process so that posts are created by your forms only after a payment is received.
  • User Registration – Configure your payment process so that users created with the User Registration Add-On are only created after a payment is received.
  • IPN Integration – The PayPal Add-On integrates with PayPal’s Instant Payment Notification services.

To Setup Gravity forms with paypal, simply follow these instructions.


You’ll need to install the paypal addon plugin. If you don’t already own a developers license, you’ll need to purchase Gravity forms developer license.

Once you have Gravity forms and the paypal addon plugin installed, navigate to your admin panel and scroll down to the Forms tab.

Looks like this:

Gravity Forms-Paypal

Click the Paypal link and you’ll arrive at the Paypal Forms screen.

PayPal Forms

First step here is to configure your Paypal Settings and connect your paypal account with the paypal addon plugin. To do this, click the PayPal Settings link and login to your paypal account.

You’ll arrive at this screen where you need to click the link and Navigate to your paypal IPN Settings page.

PayPal IPN Settings

Copy the Notification URL when you are in the above screen and paste it into your PayPal IPN Settings page which should look like this:

Instant Payment Notification (IPN) - PayPal

If Instant Payment Notification IPN is NOT enabled, click the Edit settings button, enter your Notification URL and Turn On IPN.

Its time now to create a new PayPal form for your products/services, subscriptions for members or simply to accept donations using Gravity forms.

Navigate back to your admin panel under Forms and click on PayPal. You’ll arrive at this screen below. Click Add New

PayPal Forms-Add New

PayPal Transaction Settings

Then you’ll arrive at this screen where you simply enter you PayPal email address and select the type of Transactions you’d like to accept from the drop down list.

The next option is to add paypal to an existing form which you can select from your list.

If you haven’t yet created a form, go to Forms and click on New Form and create one for this purpose.

You’ll need to add product fields in the form in order to integrate your form with PayPal.

PayPal Transaction Settings

Once you’ve finished setting up your forms, its simply a matter of adding the form tag to the correct position in your page and updating the changes.

Gravity forms works perfectly with PayPal for Donations, Products & Services and also recurring payments. Its the best WordPress plugin available, in my opinion.

Have to be not only the easiest but the best eCommerce solution for WordPress! What do you think?


15 responses to “How To Setup Gravity Forms Paypal Addon & Accept eCommerce Payments”

  1. […] How To Setup Gravity Forms Paypal Addon & Accept eCommerce Payments […]

  2. Moshe Bari Avatar
    Moshe Bari

    I’m really quite scared, I use this to create a paid RSVP form, and when someone paid $66.00 it didn’t show up in my paypal account. In form entries it says “payment processing,” im so scared it fell through, isn’t is supposed to be instant.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Make sure you test it in sandbox before going live.

  3. Hello friend, very cool your tip. I have a website for Adventure and where athletes can make their online enrollments. Then I use Gravity forms to create entries. But I wanted to have the option of an administrative panel where each athlete could see your entry after or even able to make the payment later, ex: Panel where he can edit your profile, view the entries he made, and able to pay.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Sounds like a lot of custom coding. I would look for a Gravity forms Developer to help you with that.

      Would be interested in seeing the solution once you have it.

  4. Hi Brad,

    I’ve just bought gravity forms and set it up on my website (subscription site). It’s all working fine but Do you know how to add ecommerce google analytics tracking to the form?

    All I can find on gravity forms is site it something about a hook and no proper instructions plus I just noticed that gravity forms now has scrapped their forum – wish I’d seen that before. How sad..

    Would love any help 🙂

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hello Alice

      Can you please send me the link to the info about the hook.

      1. Hi Brad,

        Here’s the hook info –

        add_filter(“gform_paypal_fulfillment”, “process_order”, 10, 4);

        they give a ‘fictional’ example but it doesn’t work when placed in paypal.php file.

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          An easier way to do is would be to create a payment success page which the buyer is re-directed to after payment success and add Google Analytic’s to the scripts field for that page and setup and new goal using the URL of that page.

          1. Thanks Brad.
            I was thinking of doing that but was worried it wouldn’t work as my gravity form has 3 separate subscription options – Free, $5 month standard, $20 month premium plan – will google analytics or the form be able to work out which plan the user bought?

            And also what happens if the user doesn’t return from paypal. I’ve set it up for auto return but it tends not to work consistently.

          2. Brad Dalton Avatar
            Brad Dalton

            Gravity forms would be the best people to ask i think.

            Looks like only Developer license holders are supported now.

            Sorry i can’t help you with this as it would take some time to work out the solution myself.

          3. Hi Brad, Sorry only just saw your reply. Gravity forms is really horrible to deal with now. They have closed their forums “Forums are no longer used for new support requests. New support requests should be submitted using the options below”

            And when you lodge a support request they say they will put it on their consideration list or to find a developer to implement.

            Are you still happy with them?
            I’m totally loosing faith in them. We signed up for a once off plan and now it looks like we will be billed ‘yearly’ which is not what we signed up for.

          4. Brad Dalton Avatar
            Brad Dalton

            I have always liked and endorsed the plugin however i do see both sides of the situation.

            They have hundreds of thousands of users and cannot provide support for all of them.

            On the other hand, they should release a free version for people they can’t provide support for rather than charge a yearly fee.

            There are other plugins around that you may like. I use the contact form in Jetpack which can also be used on its own.

            You can still use the plugin for more than a year without paying the yearly fee however you will not get updates.

  5. Great post! I am exploring it and indeed seems to offer a lot of options.
    is there a chance you share the actual (demo) or some actual sites? thx!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hello Mike

      I do know Gravity forms offer a demo on their site.

      Another excellent option is Easy Digital Downloads which is a free plugin with premium add-on’s.

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