Plugins For Testing WordPress Themes

Test WordPress ThemeWordPress offers several plugins which have been created especially for reviewing & testing WordPress themes.

The authors of these plugins are some of the most experienced theme reviewers for WordPress and part of the official theme review team.

If you’re a theme developer or wanting to learn more about how to create a theme, these plugins will help you fix any bugs so your theme is better qaulity.

These 3 plugins are recommended by the WordPress Theme Reviewers Team.

Theme Check

Theme check plugin provides a simple and easy way to test WordPress themes using the same tools uses for theme submissions to their theme directory.

If you are a WordPress theme developer or simply want to test your own parent or child theme, this plugin makes it easy to check that your theme is up to scratch with the latest WordPress standards.

You’ll find the Theme Check link under the Appearance Menu in Your WordPress admin screens

Theme Check Plugin

Log Deprecated Notices

Another plugin used by the WordPress review team for logging the usage of deprecated files, functions, and function arguments. The plugin is for theme developers to help identify where the deprecated functionality is being used and log incorrect function usage.

You find the logs under the ‘Deprecated Calls’ link in the Tools section of your WordPress admin screens.

Deprecated Calls


The third plugin used by the WordPress theme review team for debugging themes. This plugin can be used for finding bugs in your theme before you submit to the WordPress directory.

Once you’ve installed the plugin, you’ll find the data displays in your themes footer.


Don’t forget to enable DE_BUG in your wp-config.php

wp-config.php Debug true

W3C validation – The debogger plugin can also be used to validate your theme to W3C standards

Markup Validation Service

If you’re interesting in learning more about developing WordPress themes i suggest you install these plugins and start reviewing your first theme.

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