Active Plugins On WP Sites


I recommend all bloggers setup Akismet because it’s the best solution for managing comment spam.

It’s been developed by the company who owns WordPress, Automattic, and is one of the most essential plugins that every blogger should install.

Allow REL= and HTML in Author Bios

This plugin enables you to add the code in order to link your Google + profile picture to your posts so your face appears next to your url’s indexed in Google’s search results.

The functions contained within this plugin allow you to setup & verify author ownership of your sites post content.

BWP Google XML Sitemaps

The reason i use this sitemap is because it works perfectly on the server which i host WP Sites.

The sitemap included in the WordPress Seo by Yoast plugin doesn’t currently work properly on all theme’s which is why i have deactivated it and installed this plugin.

Another reason is this plugin lowers the resources used by other sitemap plugins like Google’s XML Sitemap plugin.

FeedBurner FeedSmith Extend

This plugin redirects all feeds to your Feedburner acccount.

It even finds feeds for categories and tags and also redirects them to your account.

Genesis Simple Hooks

One of the many benefits of using the Genesis framework is the plugins which have been specifically developed for this theme framework.

Genesis plugins add more functions on top of the standard framework functions.

The Genesis simple hooks plugin enables you to easily display html, css, php and shortcodes in any of the Genesis hook locations.

Genesis Simple Sidebars

This plugin enables you to easily create and display specific sidebars on different pages of your site.

You can then add different sidebar widgets to specific posts & pages and display different content on these pages.

I only use it on the pages for my video guide to display a custom menu of 24 pages included in the guide.

Genesis Single Post Navigation

Displays next and previous posts links on single posts only to enhance navigation for your readers.

This plugin increases page views as it make it easy for your readers to move back and forward to read more posts.

Jetpack by

One of the best plugins for WordPress in my opinion.

Jetpack includes many different modules which can be enabled or disabled depending on your needs.

You’ll need to create and connect Jetpack to a account.

Did you know you can also use some of JetPacks modules as stand alone plugins? This way there’s no need for you to connect to a account.

Multiple Galleries

This plugin works with the native WordPress gallery.

It enables you to select which images you want to include in your galleries out of the images you have uploaded for that particular page or post.

It also allows you to select images for use in multiple galleries within the same post/page.

PRO Player

The easiest way to install a video player in WordPress is to activate Pro Player.

Proplayer is one of the best video player plugins and its free.

This plugin enables you to show videos on your site within minutes without needing any technical knowledge.

The plugin is an enhanced version of JW Player.

Keyword Density Checker

Another essential plugin which i recommend all bloggers use.

The keyword density checker enables you to make sure you don’t stuff your content with too many keywords and risk suffering an over optimization penalty from Google.

This plugin provides the easiest way to check the keyword density of your posts content.

WordPress SEO

The most complete and comprehensive Seo plugin for WordPress.

One of the reasons i decided to setup WordPress Seo on WP Sites is the snippet Preview. This feature allows you to view the description of the post which is included below each of the url’s you have indexed in Google’s search results.

You can also create custom descriptions for Facebook and Google Plus which are displayed when you share your posts to those networks.

Includes a built in sitemap, 301 redirects and no follow/no index options on all pages and posts.

7 responses to “Active Plugins On WP Sites”

  1. What do you recommend as a full WordPress Back Up plugin, I mean files and images plus database?

    Love your articles, they are very clear and well explained.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Lynne

      There are many these days.

      Backupbuddy is the best all round backup plugin as it can send a complete backup of files and databases offsite automatically.

      Here’s 4 different ways to backup.

      Or VaultPress have the best method in my opinion as it includes one click restore.

      Hope that helps.

  2. Do you use a timthumb scanner? I think this is really important. Also using WP Cleanfix to clean up the database. In Germany there are lot’s of justice Problems with Akismet. Another good Spam-Plugin is the Antispam Bee.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Tanja

      I hear good things about Anti Spam Bee.

      I used managed hosting which includes scanning.

      I use WP Optimize DB for database clean up but will look at your suggestion of WP Cleanfix.

      Thanks for the tips.

      P.S Can you clarify please.

      justice Problems with Akismet

  3. Flash Buddy Avatar
    Flash Buddy

    Only ten plugins, that is good. I’m working on a site that has 38! Plugins can really bust a site. Especially poorly coded plugins. I try to keep ’em down to a dull roar. Plugins have the ability to add in competing functions, routines, calling a bevy of files, many of which may be unnecessary given the task at hand, thereby adding bloat to ones site. The less plugins, the faster loading a WordPress site.

    JetPack? Really? Why?

    1. Actually got 17 active now and 14 inactive which i made that way yesterday. Really hard to not installing them when you find the good ones!. Just love some of the modules in Jetpack especially the contact forms, subscription, sharedaddy and stats.

  4. […] the list of active plugins i use on WP Sites which changes every […]

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