How To Setup & Manage Your RSS Feed Using Google’s Free Feedburner Service

Feedburner is the most popular way to manager an RSS feed for WordPress. An RSS feed is used to publish frequently updated content like blog posts to RSS subscribers.

This way RSS subscribers are kept up to date with your latest content from their favorite websites & blogs without having to come back and find your site every time to check for new content.

FeedBurner RSS WordPress

How To Find RSS Feed URL

When you first install WordPress your default RSS feed URL can be located by using any of the following.

If you have already set your permalinks using a custom structure, try these instead. Don’t forget to replace yourdomain with your own domain.

How To Burn Your RSS  to Feedburner

Once you have located your original RSS feed URL its simply a matter of burning it so your feed can be managed by Googles Feedburner.

To do this, the first step is to open an account with Feedburner. Feedburner will manage your RSS feed and provide statistics on subsbribers, open rate and click through rate, all for free.

If you already have a Google account you can simply sign in and open a feedburner account.

Burn a Feed

Enter your original feed URL into the box and click next. Normally you’ll enter however this may be different depending on whether or not you have chosen a custom permalink structure is indicated above.


Click Next and your feed is ready to be subscribed to as long as you have added some content via posts.

Setup Feedburner to Manage Your WordPress RSS Feed

Feedburner Feed

Track click through’s with feedburner stats.

Feedburner Traffic Stats

You’ll generally find the number of subscribers to your feed content compared to your reach (number of subscribers who view your feed) is fairly large.

Feedburner & WordPress Integration

You may also install the feedburner feedsmith plugin which will manager all your sites feeds and redirect them to your feedburner account so all you subscribers are managed using the one service.

Most premium WordPress themes include a built in feed manager which will automatically redirect all your feeds to feedburner once you enter you feedburner url into the box provided.

Adding e-mail subscription box to WordPress is simple. Go to Publicize > Email Subscriptions to copy and paste the code from your feedburner account into a text widget and place in your sidebar.

Customize & Optomize Your Feedburner Feed

Under the Optomize tab you’ll find options to add an image to your feed and a custom title. Simply upload your logo or resize your websites header images and add the URL to the image in the Feed Image Burner page.

Optimize Your Feed

Publicize your feed under the Publicize tab. Its here you can find the code to add an email subscription box or link to your site.

Publicize Your Feed

Analysize Feed Stats

This tab will start to show subscriber stats after 1-2 days. The stats which feedburner tracks enable you to view subscriber count by RSS reader and email, view and click rates as well as reach.

Analyze Feedburner Stats

Setting up Feedburner to manager your RSS feed is fairly easy and certainly worth the effort. You can also host your own RSS feed using your own domains URL rather than a address. More on that in the related posts links section.

14 responses to “How To Setup & Manage Your RSS Feed Using Google’s Free Feedburner Service”

  1. […] you’ve setup Feedburner to manage your RSS feed, add your Feedburner url here, otherwise skip this […]

  2. Patrick Craig Avatar
    Patrick Craig

    I have a valid Feedburner feed however, the company who set up my website and my Feedburner account can’t seem to tell me the user id or password they used to set up the feed. can I somehow get into my account by just knowing the redirect URL? I ran a giveaway assuming that I would be able to manage my subscriber list, but I can’t get into the account.


    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You need to login using the email address for your Google account and use the lost password if needed.

  3. Your instructions are very straight forward but I get a “Timeout while fetching the feed.” error when trying to add our club feed to our Google account:

    Any idea where to look.


    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Looks like you’ve sorted this problem out as i see a Feedburner subscribe box in your sidebar.

      You can use your domain name rather than the feed url to burn a new feed. Just make sure you have published at least one post first.

    2. I turned off all of the WordPress plugins and was able to get past the timeout error and get the feed registered with Feedburner using your instructions.


      1. Brad Dalton Avatar
        Brad Dalton

        Maybe the plugins slowed down your site so Feedburner couldn’t access the feed.

        Glad you figured it out.

  4. […] tienes la configuración Feedburner para gestionar su feed RSS, añadir su url Feedburner aquí, de lo contrario omita este […]

  5. […] you’ve setup Feedburner to manage your RSS feed, add your Feedburner url here, otherwise skip this […]

  6. […] like Feedburner and integrate it with the Genesis e-news extended widget […]

  7. […] a tutorial which covers How To Setup & Burn a RSS Feed for […]

  8. […] Still works with Google’s Free Feedburner service. […]

  9. Marc Connor Avatar
    Marc Connor

    Very clear, concise, straight-forward and useful.

    I just used it to setup my first WordPress FeedBurner RSS feed.

    Excellent article!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Good stuff Marc. Where will you put your RSS link on your site?

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